Saturday, September 15, 2012


dropped @ Mercedes Edwards Theater - Clovis, CA on 9/15/12
"A friend is the one who comes in
when the whole world has gone out."  ~ Grace Pulpit


  1. Hello! I picked up this crane outside the theater last year, the morning after watching the hot air balloons. It made me smile and I stuck it in the pocket of my purse, forgetting about it, to be honest. Well, I use different purses and today I pulled out the purse I was using that day. Reached into the pocket and there was your crane. Here I am, checking out your blog and I will now help your crane to travel. :) -Amanda, Clovis CA.

  2. This is wonderful! Thanks for letting me know. This project has taken me longer than I thought it would - but I'm still going at it.
