Thursday, July 23, 2020

#771 - #772 - #773 - #774 . . .

#771 - One friend can change your whole life.

# 772 - The secret to having it all is knowing you already do.

#773 - Very little is needed to make a happy life.

#774 - Don't let your struggle become your identity.

So this catches me up . . . 
I had no intention of letting this project just sit unattended for so long.
Once again I let life get in the way.  
These four cranes were dropped in Clovis, CA
If you found one and take the time to look here . . . please leave a comment.


#766 - #767 - #768 - #769 - #770 . . .

Unfortunately I do not have photos of these fives cranes at this time.
They were left somewhere between California and Massachusetts - (southern route).
If you have found any of them and looked here . . . please let me know where you found them and send me a photo.
   . . . and once again I continue with this project that somehow is taking way longer that I had hoped.

#766 - Stay true to yourself.
#767 - Do all things with hope.
#768 - Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don't fit into boxes.
#769 - Don't criticize what you don't understand.
#770 - "Where there is love there is life."  ~ Mahatma Ghandi